
A Litany for Matthew 5:21-37: “Once We Were Told”

This is a call and response interpretation of Matthew 5:21-37. It could be used as a response to the sermon or even in place of it, to continue to affirm for the faithful and curious that God works in us for liberation, not for shame.

Rules about chocolate: a sermon on insults, abuse, and lies

first preached in 2014; revised in 2017 and 2023 Object Lesson (kids’ names changed for privacy) One of our kids, John, got to open a small box. Inside: heart-shaped milk chocolates, foil wrapped. “Today,” I explained, “we’re going to talk about rules for chocolate.” Jane, whose mother has diagnosed her with “chronic cuteness syndrome,” narrowed her …

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A Blue-Collar Kind of Guy

Mary gets top billing, and Advent is blue for her robe. But I think Advent could just as well be blue for Joseph. We dress him in browns, in most nativity scenes, but he’s a blue collar kind of guy, really.

A Sermon Upside Down (Pentecost)

On the day of Pentecostit’s best for us to stay quietNo one among the disciples could believe thatthe gospel is for everyone.It might shock us to hear, butthe message of God’s love is only for a select group.Never would the disciples say thatthe spirit of God would be poured out on all flesh.After all, the …

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