“You have heard that it was said…”

A responsive proclamation for Matthew 5:21-37 Leader: What have you heard was said about insults?All: We have heard that it was said,Leader: “If you so much as call your fellow believer an idiot, you will go to Hell.”All: But in Christ we say:We speak to each other with respect.We are honest when we have beenContinue reading ““You have heard that it was said…””

Do you see this woman?: a preaching commentary on rape culture, Bathsheba, and the use of grace

Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Happy is he who sees a married woman from far off, commands her to be brought to him, rapes her, and sends her home. Happy is he who kills the husband of the woman he wants and who, when called out by the prophetContinue reading “Do you see this woman?: a preaching commentary on rape culture, Bathsheba, and the use of grace”